It was great to be back after the Summer and it was wonderful to welcome Myfanwy back from Leatherhead Start to give her a cheque for £1330 and a large donation of cleaning products as our fundraising for them came to an end. She was absolutely thrilled by the Belles generosity and this money has been ringfenced to provide a Drug & Alcohol support worker for their clients! Our September meeting was kicked off with a fabulous speaker, Super Lucky Di Coke a ‘Comper’. A #Comper is someone who makes a career out of entering and winning competitions. She shared with us her fantastic story of how she started and of all the wonderful prizes she has won so far – totalling around £300,000, including a car; holidays; trips to restaurants and football tickets- it was fascinating. She gave us the highs and lows of how to be a Comper & left us with her book ‘Super Lucky Bootcamp’ from which she generously donated all the proceeds to our next chosen charity.
Belles Update No: 40
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