Dog Walk
[image src=”×150.jpg” shape=”img-circle”] Meet in the car park
[image src=”×150.jpg” shape=”img-circle”] Meet in the car park
At the top of Boxhill – meet outside the National Trust shop.
Our next walk will be at Polesden Lacey on Friday 15th May. We will meet up at 9.30 by the Notice board at the Car Park. Everyone welcome with or without dog!
Join us if you can for a walk – usually about an hour long
Join us if you can for a walk – usually about an hour long. Optional coffee and chat at the end.
Meet near café/toilets and we can have a coffee at end if people wish to.
Bocketts Farm entrance for walk and coffee at end if people wish. With or without a dog.
Meet by the noticeboards at the toilets. Optional coffee at the end in the café.