
First time Members and Guests

This month, we not only welcomed new members into our WI but also had the honour of hosting guest speaker Connie Smith from Wild About Britain who bought along guests of a different species – a first for our WI in our 10th anniversary! Connie’s passion for wildlife conservation is truly inspiring. She’s dedicated to educating the public about the urgent need to protect endangered species.  During her talk, we got up close to some amazing creatures, including a smooth snake, a slow worm, a hedgehog, and the charming Tawny owl named Freddie!  Thank you, Connie, for an enlightening and unforgettable experience!to find our more about the creatures we saw visit: https://www.wildaboutbritain.org.uk/meet-the-animals.html #WildlifeConservation#CommunityEngagement#SaveOurSpecies
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