
Belles soar high in ‘Bookham takes Flight’ Village Day 2018

It was another glorious day for Village Day in Bookham, the theme this year was ‘Bookham takes flight’.
As always the Belles Village Day committee came up trumps by not going for the Birds, Bees and other flying insects etc and instead deciding to go down the aviator route. Our stall really did take flight on the day – winning for the 4th year running! This year, we were pleased to share the ‘Best Dressed Stall’ trophy with our peers, the newly formed Bookham Bees WI who were of course, Bees!!

It was an incredible day and our stall was constantly busy with young people wanting to win our Jolly Jars; this year they donned beautiful hand made airplanes made of pegs and lolly sticks. Our costumes, cleverly made by Emma Bavin, were absolutely amazing but the Great Bookham Belles WI airplane made by Gilly Phipps and Jacky Stedman really stole the show – everyone wanted to wear it!!!

We would like to thank everyone that took part and contributed to what was a truly great event!!