

The Last meeting was Great Bookham Belles first Annual General Meeting, which saw a fabulous turn out of members. The committee now has an additional 3 members and Amanda Edge, President, was voted back in.

Jeremy Blood, from Surrey Wine School, gave a timely insight into how to choose wine, so our members are now well informed when stocking up for Christmas. Jeremy also gave members the opportunity to sample chocolate, which went down very well with the wine. »View photos


Headley WI Macmillan Coffee Morning


Following tIMG_5152he success of our President Amanda’s coffee morning, Katharine and Amanda and their daughters went up to Headley WI to support their fabulous coffee morning in the Village Hall.
It was a beautiful morning in Headley, the hall was laid out with tasty cakes and beautiful china tea cups!

After tea the girls looked around at the cakes and Bric a Brac stalls before heading home. Let’s hope they raised lots of money for such a great Charity.