
Pandemonium Summer Concert

Palm Tree FinalLocal steel band, ‘Pandemonium’ will be playing along side the Melodian Steel Orchestra Uk with band leader Terry Noel MBE on Saturday 12th September at 7.30pm in the Mairlot Hall, St. Teresa’s Effingham for an evening of traditional, classical and modern Steel Pan Music.

Pandemonium is the predecessor to ‘Pantastic’ who played at our Caribbean evening on 20th July.  It will be an informal evening of great music. All members of Pandemonium are either from or were from the Howard of Effingham and one who is at the sixth form at St. Teresa’s.

Tickets are £10 for adults and £5 for children.  If you are interested in attending, money can be paid to 13781768 sort code 090643 online or you can pay cash or cheque when Nicky delivers or you pick up the tickets.  For more details please contact Nicky Fairey via email:

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