
Buzzing Belles??

There was definitely a buzz in the air at the March Monthly meeting of Great Bookham Belles. Members swarmed to see , the debut performance of our newly formed Choir, ‘The Decibelles’ who, under the leadership of Hazel Hannam, have been busy bees practising their repertoire since January.  Their voices were as sweet as nectar, so much so that they received a standing ovation from the back row!

Our guest speaker Michelle, owner of The Little Bee Company, far from ‘droning on’, gave us an illuminative and humorous insight into the life of a bee keeper and the bees they care for and bought products produced from her beehives.

The evening ended with our members making a bee line for our specially decorated refreshment table, this month furnished with biscuits and cakes, some containing honey- they were the bees knees!!

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