
Belles are on Fire

April’s meeting at the Belles was a fabulous welcome home to our friend Andrea McLean who since leaving Loose Women has had a fantastic time building a superb network and empowering women called #Thisgirlisonfire. She shared with us her trials and tribulations which led her to writing her new book for women about being brave , challenging & learning to love yourself – something that resonated with so many of us. It was an inspiring evening full of laughter, fun and empowerment.

Andrea Posted

What a fantastic evening speaking to this amazing bunch! Tonight I did a talk on:
✨ Keeping the promises you make to yourself
✨ Learning to love who you are
✨ Feeling afraid of change but making the changes anyway
✨ Asking yourself “Who am I when I’m not being what everyone else wants me to be?”
And so much more!
#thisgirlisonfire #getbrave #getconfident #getgoing

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