
Belles Cop 5 year stretch

Our October Meeting was packed for our 5th Birthday, with new members, visitors, and of course Belles; Jerusalem resounded!

Our guest this month was Angela Scottow, ex Royal Protection Officer, who gave us a really interesting talk about her career in the Metropolitan Police and an insight into what it was like as a female during the late 70s through to the millennium. 2019 marks 100 years since women were allowed to become officers and wear uniform out on patrol (albeit only in pairs and with 2 male officers trailing behind them just in case!); it was very poignant that she should join us on our birthday, speaking to her first female only audience, and share with us how things have progressed over the years. 

With the Prosecco corks popping as Angela wrapped up her talk, we were then treated to 5 different types of birthday cakes made by The Grange at Bookham. A truly fun evening and a special way to mark our 5th Birthday.

During our usual updates, it was announced that:

  • membership renewals and subscriptions will now be processed on-line via our website,
  • a new Conservation Group has been formed,
  • monies from refreshments will now be redirected to support a worthy local cause and
  • a reminder to purchase tickets to the Belles inaugural Christmas Dinner.
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