
Belles Lose Sight of Shore

Special occasions are always started with a loud rendition of Jerusalem at the Belles and October being our 3rd birthday was reason to celebrate; it also brought us a very special speaker – Natalia Cohen.

Natalia Cohen was part of the first all-female team to row unsupported across the Pacific Ocean. With no rowing experience prior to applying, Natalia showed us how, with a positive mindset, a determined and aligned team, and a sense of humour, you can cross your own personal Pacific. She gave us a huge insight into the dramas, fear, issues and triumphs of the 6 women who completed this amazing feat.

There were gasps and laughs throughout her whole talk and she was such a fan of the Great Bookham Belles she didn’t want to leave!! There was plenty of time for Qs & As and refreshments including our number 3 birthday biscuits kindly made by Lesley Gilbert.

Natalia’s story has been shown as a documentary on Amazon prime called ‘Losing site of Shore’. It is certainly worth a watch!!

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