
Great Bookham Belles win joint 1st Prize

Great Bookham Belles WI won 1st Prize for the best dressed stall at the annual Bookham Village Day!  The theme this year was Kings and Queens and since there are no ‘kings’ in our organisation and we are all ‘Belles’ our interpretation was Beauty Queens.  Our first ever entry was a great success and it was a success all round for the WI as joint 1st winners with us were our supportive neighbouring WI, Eastwick WI, who took up the theme of was Pearly Queens.

Our stall sold a variety of merchandise, there was something for everyone, and there was a constant supply of customers all day!  We sold all varieties of sweets, from weighed out pear drops to Frozen themed chocolate eggs to tongue painting lollipops, bunting made by our members ( we even had orders for more!), Jacky’s homemade cards and Bookham themed Magnets.


The Beauty Queen Sweet and Craft stall was indeed a deserved winner, fabulous and striking it was decked in our WI homemade bunting,  beautiful signage created and hand painted by Kate ( daughter of one of our members), lollipop balloons and a years worth of Burger King meals’ crowns whose logos were painstakingly replaced by our own bluebell logo!  Even the price tags were in the shape of crowns! There was never any doubt as to who we were as all of our volunteers, in the true spirit of Beauty Queens, dressed in blue outfits accessorised with tiaras and Great Bookham Belles WI sashes!  We have made our mark in Bookham!

Not only did we have a stall but a team of our members volunteered  a 2 hour slot in the Barn Hall itself serving cakes amongst which were countless delicious cakes provided by many of our members.

Many thanks to everyone who helped in the preparations, arrived at 7.30 am to erect our stall, and who had a hand in the decorations, manning the stall and providing and serving cakes; it was very much appreciated and all the hard work paid off handsomely!

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