
Happy 1st Birthday and Votes for Women


All our members were greeted at this month’s meeting with a glass of Prosecco to celebrate the Great Bookham Belles’ first birthday! After much mingling and chatter the meeting began with a round up of the month’s news along with the welcoming in of 3 new committee members.  ‘Business Matters’ completed, and to tie in with the new Suffragette film just released, we were treated to a fascinating insight into life as a Suffragette. This was delivered by WI speaker Joan Cottle, who took on the guise of Rose Lamartine Yates, a Suffragette from Wimbledon who, with her lawyer husband, worked for female suffrage from 1908 and during the First World War, and who was willing to suffer arrest and incarceration for her beliefs.

The evening culminated in a rousing rendition of Jerusalem by our members and  of course birthday cake, beautifully decorated in our Bluebell theme by our Refreshments Coordinator Jacky.

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