
Happy 2nd Birthday!?

October’s Monthly meeting marked Great Bookham Belles 2nd Anniversary! What better way to celebrate but with Prosecco and Birthday Cake! Of course, being the Belles, we couldn’t have an ordinary birthday cake and so our guest speaker came to show us the art of making cake decorations.  Amanda Torrie from Love Cake gave our members an insight as to how to model ceramic icing flowers.  The flowers just had to be bluebells and we all watched in awe as she intricately worked creating a perfect bluebell from icing and wire.  From the petals and stamen, to the stem and leaves, she created an exquisite bluebell spray to adorn our cake.  Whilst admiring the masterpiece we lit the candle and sang Jerusalem.  To top off the occasion we were able to welcome new members to our WI as a result of increasing our membership limit; the night marked another great milestone in the Great Bookham Belles WI.

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