
It’s a rap!

Sometimes we like to push the boundaries in the Belles and this month’s meeting was no exception. Our guest speaker was Chris Syrus who came to tell his amazing story with the help of David @wehinm on guitar and Naomi @namz_elliott on vocals.

Chris’ story started when he was convicted of a serious crime and was sent to prison. His guilt for the pain his mother felt led him to start writing poetry and it was the written word that helped him through his sentence. He didn’t waste his time in prison, he studied and attained a degree. On his release he began working with young, disadvantaged people who were on the brink of being excluded from education and society and set up his own business- Syrus Consultancy C.I.C

A snippet from the poem ‘Cry For The Dead’ from ‘LoveLife6958 Memoirs from the pen…’

His performance of his poetry using music and rap style was embraced by the Belles who listened transfixed; the patois was challenging at times. Refreshments were served following a Q&A session, while Belles queued patiently to buy Chris’ book and to chat with him – a great evening was had by all. 

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