
Resolution Proposals



All members can put forward resolutions on issues that matter to them and, if adopted at the NFWI Annual Meeting, they become the mandates that form the backbone of the WI’s public affairs work as local and national campaigns.

Resolutions can be submitted to the NFWI by completing this form, or by downloading a copy here. Please ensure that you have read the resolutions guidance note before completing your submission form. This can be downloaded here. For more information to support your resolution, please click here to access a range of resolutions resources.



Every year WI members have the chance to put forward issues as ‘resolutions’ that they want to see the national body campaign on. Below is a list of the proposed resolutions for the coming year.  We will all be voting as to which one Great Bookham Belles WI would like to propose, at our January meeting, by a show of hands, so please read through the 7 proposed resolutions to enable you to make your choice.

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The WI is an entirely member led organisation, and the resolutions process ensures that every WI member has the opportunity to set the direction of NFWI campaigns and policy, from the grassroots up.

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