
Windsor Castle Trip

In the aftermath of the memorable Royal Wedding on Saturday, the following day 25 members from Great Bookham Belles WI, along with members from the Butterflies and Ashtead WI, made their way to Windsor Castle to soak up the celebratory atmosphere.

The sun was shining brightly and there were thousands of tourists at the Castle making the day even more special.

The flowers were still in St George’s Chapel where the Royal couple had made their vows and it was wonderful to walk through the chapel following in their footsteps and seeing the places where The Royal Family and the likes of George Clooney and David Beckham had sat during the wedding!

The State Apartments were open and it just enhanced our visit to know that the 600 golden ticket guests had attended the reception in the rooms where we were wandering around in awe of the wealth of history within the castle.

Ice creams were plenty and we understand Pimms was also enjoyed in the beautiful gardens by the Belles – a great day had by all.

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