
Another Year Begins – with Hedgehogs!

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Last night Belles had their 2nd A.G.M. and were kindly assisted by 2 members of our neighbouring WI, Eastwick WI. Our President Amanda Edge was reelected  for a 3rd term and our Secretary Lesley Andrews stepped down – her role being adopted by Alison Roberts.  As we reminisced over the previous year those that have helped to make our 2nd Year a success, the Committee, the Belles’ Satellite Group Organisers and indeed the members themselves were all thanked in recognition.

Once the formalities were complete the evening took on a different slant in the form of Book Folding.  Committee member Jackie Stedman showed us all the art of folding the pages of a paperback so that once finished they took on the form of hedgehogs.  Fun was had whilst pages where turning as members got the chance to chat and in some case talk to members they had never properly spoken to before.

And so as our 2nd year comes to a close we eagerly await our 3rd – roll on next year!

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