
Curves, Wellness and Cake!

Heather is a Chartered Physiotherapist & Esme a Clinical Phycologist, together they specialise in all things eating and exercise to promote a healthy relationship with food and our bodies through their business and website @thecurvywellnessco. As guest speakers to us this January, they were able to educate our Belles. They explained that we live in a world, where we are told that to be healthy we need to lose weight and to lose weight it is as simple as eating less and moving more. They demonstrated however, from their own personal and professional experience, why this is not case!

In fact this was got across so well, that there was quite a queue afterwards for the delicious cakes made by our members for refreshments! Literature and videos on this subject can be purchased from their site: https://thecurvywellnesscompany.com/

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