Event Details

For gin lovers and those who are plain gin curious this 90 minute Experience with one of the Distillers at the Silent Pool Distillery, Shere Road, Albury, Surrey GU5 9BW will reveal how they make their award winning gin, what exactly goes into it and why.

You will be taken through the production process, the botanicals, flavours and how they work together to deliver a multi levelled and complex tasting gin.

You will also be able to taste some of the various stages in production and some of the other spirits they produce.

Silent PoolThe setting is next to the mythical Silent Pool, the source of their water….and their ghost.  For more information log onto their websitewww.silentpooldistillers.com.

We have reserved 20 tickets (which is the maximum you can take to one session) for Thursday, 16th June at 7.00pm at a cost of £15 per person.  This ticket entitles you to a £5 discount on a single purchase in their shop.

If you would like to join us on this trip please bring along £15 cash or cheque made payable to Silent Pool Distillers Ltd (preferred payment method) to next Monday’s WI Meeting (18th April) at Manor House School in a sealed envelope with your name, contact details and amount enclosed printed on the envelope and hand to Lesley Andrews.