
Great Bookham Belles WI donates over £1100 to The Grange

Even the horrible, near torrential rain failed to put a dampener on our trip to The Grange for our May meeting.

Unfortunately we had to cancel our tours around the beautiful walled gardens and the horticultural department because of the rain but we all met in the newly refurbished ballroom for a wonderful presentation by Sally Lines – The Grange CEO. We were able to get a great feel for the fabulous and extensive activities provided by The Grange. The Grange is steeped in history and Royal connections and it was so clear that everyone who worked at this lovely haven had a great passion for the services they provide and their clients’ wellbeing.
The Grange has been our chosen charity for this year so it was a pleasure to be able to present them with a cheque for £937… which was the proceeds from our Sing-along-a-Grease evening.  All in all The Grange has received over £1100 from Great Bookham Belles WI along with last year’s donations of gifts from their wish list . The staff were absolutely thrilled and it really ended the presentation on Monday evening on a high.
The Belles were then treated to a tour of the newly refurbished building including the new much awaited lift, Fudgery Kitchen and IT suite before finishing off the evening with some delicious refreshments provided by the residents – the cakes were amazing!!
It was wonderful to hold our meeting at The Grange and we will continue to give our support and encourage more visits there especially to Simply Scones!


Great Bookham Belles WI would like to thank all those who so generously supported our fundraising this year!


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