
Xmas 2017 Meeting

Belles arrived at our December Meeting laden with Xmas Gifts for this year’s charity, Yours Sanctuary, as well as gifts for the Royal Surrey Hospital. On display was our wonderful ‘pom-pom’ Christmas Tree beautifully handmade by our Crafts and Laughs Group loaned to us for the evening before making it’s trip to St. Nicolas Church Bookham for the church’s annual display. The members ‘awarded’ our President the prestigious WI President’s Broach, in recognition of her acceptance of Presidency once again, heard about the works of our charity Yours Sanctuary from their Operations Manager, guest speaker Alex. The evening ended with a selection of Christmas Carols by Great Bookham Belles WI’s very own choir, The Decibelles, a Christmas raffle, festive mulled wine and goodies!
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