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adrienne-dinesLocal author from Weybridge, Adrienne Dines speaks about her life and her published novels.

Adrienne Dines was born in Dublin in 1959, which qualifies her as a ‘woman of a certain age’ today. She is very proud of this fact.

She graduated from Trinity College, Dublin in 1981 and moved to Weybridge, Surrey to teach in a convent school. Marriage to a BP oilman saw her packed off to Aberdeen for ten years where she taught in a variety of secondary schools, wrote poetry and speeches and gave birth to three sons.

Now back in Weybridge, she is a contributor to parish and diocesan publications and a member of the American Women of Surrey Writers’ Group. She is still a speechwriter – for world champion canoeists, social functions and even ordinations. Many of her speeches are delivered in verse as it affords her the freedom to ‘blame it on the rhyme’.

Toppling Miss April is her second novel and was written in response to the observation that her first, which is about a nun, didn’t have naughty bits. Transita.co.uk