Belles Go National
At the beginning of June, our President Amanda and committee member Sarah traveled to The Royal Albert Hall for the WI AGM. Thousands of WI members gathered to hear Nazir Afzal OBE share insights into the CPS and his work on high-profile cases like t...
Olympic Belles
Bookham Village Day has always been a fabulous community event, and the Belles have enjoyed it for the past 10 years. This year was no exception. At the May meeting, our Belles crafted superb Jolly Jars with an Olympic theme, which were proudly displ...
First time Members and Guests
Connie Smith from Wild About Britain bought along guests of a different species to our April Monthly Meeting
30 Years in The West End
March’s meeting: Lorraine gave us an exciting 30 year’s insight into the industry’s highs and lows.
Brookwood Cemetery
Out and About Group had a fascinating afternoon tour of Brookwood Cemetery