
Prostate Cancer Awareness

Last night’s meeting took on a more serious subject, than February’s meeting, when Chris Eglinton from Prostate Cancer UK spoke to us. The Charity is the UK’s largest men’s health charity and aims to help more men survive prostate cancer and enjoy a better quality of life. Chris being a survivor himself delivered his talk in a very interesting and positive way and despite the nature of the topic we all felt that we had learnt a great deal that could benefit our friends and families.

This morning we have received this email from Chris:

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Just a quick note to pass on my sincere thanks for the warm welcome given to me last night. You have a fantastic group of ladies, many who came up to me to have a chat during tea break. I’m sure Bookham Belles will go from strength to strength and have a wonderful future. Please pass on my thanks to all at your next meeting. Kind Regards, Chris Eglinton. Prostate Cancer UK.
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