As always, everyone is welcome with or without dogs and optional refreshment at the café at the venue after our approx hour/hour and a half amble. Hatchlands we need to show NT cards to walk the grounds.  This should be OK for most people, but let Claire Thomas know if a problem.

Weds 23 Aug 10am Hatchlands NT optional drink at end in their café. No NT member card for parking needed but one is needed to go round estate walk.

Gates open at 10am.  National Trust.  Optional drink at the end in the café.  No membership card is needed for parking but one is to go walking round the estate.

Hatchlands and optional drink in NT café there. (might be handy if you want to go on park and ride to Guildford Christmas shopping afterwards!) NT member cards needed for the walk.

National Trust membership card needed. Any of our Great Bookham Belles WI are welcome to join us. No need to RSVP – just come along. We walk for about an hour and for those who can stay on, we finish with more chatting over refreshments in the venue’s café.  Dogs welcome.

NT card needed. Any of our Great Bookham Belles WI are welcome to join us. No need to RSVP – just come along. We walk for about an hour and  for those who can stay on, we finish with more chatting over refreshments in the venue’s  café. Email Claire if you would like a lift.and…

National Trust card needed. Any of our Great Bookham Belles WI are welcome to join us, with or without dogs. Friends welcome! No need to RSVP to the morning walks – just come along. We walk for about an hour and for those who can stay on, we finish with more chatting over refreshments in…