
Bluebell Walk

BluebellwalkWhat a fabulous day for a walk, glorious sunshine, lovely scenery and the woods filled with bluebells. Regular walkers enjoyed a lovely stroll at Polesden Lacey today joined by a new Belle and a birthday dog!! The bluebells were just beautiful and the morning was finished off with a nice coffee and cake plus a lovely birthday sausage treat for Milo!! Looking forward to seeing more Belles joining us for our next walk – such fun!


April 2016 Monthly Meeting

IMG_5837April’s Meeting was a very busy one as we needed to do our Resolutions this month instead of May.  Ann Lilleywhite, our WI advisor, was on hand to assist as this is the Belles first year of voting. There are two resolutions this year:

Avoid Food waste, address Food poverty

Appropriate care for people with Dementia in Hospitals.

We voted for each one and the votes were counted and recorded by The Secretary.

We were then treated to an exceptional talk from Monica Weller a local author who co-wrote a book about Ruth Ellis the last woman to be hanged in Britain – what a fascinating story, we were all gripped with tales of murder, lies, guns & espionage and she revealed some amazing truths about what really happened!  Following her talk she was surrounded by Belles who wanted to buy her book. Refreshments were served and a great evening was had by all.

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A Fete Worse Than Death

IMG_5831Belles were invited to Eastwick WI’s fundraising evening on Saturday 16th April and what a fun night it was. Dinner was served by local caterer Elizabeth and the drink was flowing!

A Fete worse than Death was the title of the murder mystery and actors (all the way from Somerset) set the scene!!  They played various characters from the village and then we had two murders – it was down to each table to work out ‘whodunit’!!!! It was such fun and unfortunately we got it wrong!!

Thank you to Eastwick for inviting us it was a blast!

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