
Retirement Rebel

Our March meeting welcomed over 76 members including 4 new Belles to join our WI.  This was an excellent turn out and the hall was loud and lively.  Members were very generous in bringing in cleaning products for our charity Leatherhead Start and we held a raffle which raised over £179.00 which is absolutely awesome. Our guest speaker was Siobhan Daniels who is known as the ‘Retirement Rebel’ and she was absolutely fantastic.   She gave us an insight into her very sad upbringing with 7 siblings, a failed marriage, being a lone parent to lovely Sammy, the loss of her brother & sister and facing horrendous ageism in her time as a Radio presenter and Newsroom producer during her long time at the BBC.  She was so ‘broken’ on her retirement at 60, she decided to sell her home and buy a camper van and be free to travel and live exactly how she wanted to – it was a fabulous and inspirational story of a woman who had faced so much adversity yet had a passion for life and living it to the full.  Her presentation on screen was beautiful with stunning places that she has visited and stayed.  It was a super evening and lots of fun had by all.